(This was written the week before my mom passed. In a sense I felt God led the charge of these words to prepare my heart for her absence, and to also remind me that He is always with me. Originally written for my daughters, just thought I would share it here, too. So, for all daughters, young and "younger" may this touch your heart and remind you how loved you are and what a blessing you are to this world!)
Oh, my precious daughter,
How so many times I look at you and it pains me to see how quickly you’ve grown up. Time truly has a way of stealing the years and making a momma’s heart reflect on memories with bittersweet fondness.
Our relationship has changed. I am trying to embrace it. You seek freedom, and while I’m slowly stepping back and pulling away, you must know that it’s been really hard for me to let you go. You dare to be different, and I can respect that. We may not always see eye-to-eye on things, but I am still so very proud of you.
So, as you venture off into this life, here are my hopes, dreams, and prayers for you, dear daughter.
This world is yours. And the vast majority of it is indeed good. You may have to search at times, but the good is there. It’s surrounding you and it is visible. You just have to choose to see the beauty in each and every day, and be thankful that God created so much for you to delight in.
God also created you as His beautiful masterpiece. The world will loudly declare what beauty is, but please don’t listen. There is so much beauty found in being the feminine woman God calls you to be. Hold on to that image. (Proverbs 31:30) Yet, if for some reason you forget who you are, remember that you are first and foremost a beloved daughter. (Psalm 139:14) A precious daughter that was designed to fulfill a purpose. A special purpose that was given to “only you.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
So, be you! Be courageous and live boldly. Use your gifts and talents to share with the world. Stand firm in the faith that has been etched in your heart. (Proverbs 3:3) You may have to rely on it one day when others try to steal the light that shines inside of you.
Just remember that others may see your light as offensive. They will try to snuff it out and define you. But, keep your head held high and keep shining brightly, darling. They only want to steal your light because they need it so badly, so offer them grace, love and kindness. (Romans 12:2)
Just know this. You will mess up and make mistakes. You will fall down, and may even feel defeated, but you don’t have to stay there. Get back up, dust yourself off and learn from it. (Proverbs 24:16) This life is hard and can be unforgiving at times. You will acquire wounds on this journey, maybe even feel broken. But, cling tightly to the One that will carry you through those times and trust that He is faithful. (2 Thessalonians 3:3) God has a beautiful way of mending a wounded heart.
In times of plenty and when this life is full of victories, don’t forget to remain humble. Give thanks and praise where it is due. Spread love like confetti in a world that so desperately needs it, but at the same time, guard your heart and mind while speaking up for injustice. (Micah 6:8) And, don’t be afraid to stand alone.
Love big. Forgive easily. Seek joy. Find peace. I pray these things over your my dear. I pray that you find your way in this life. I pray that God uses you in ways that brings glory to His name and that you remember what a precious gift you are – especially to me.
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourself, it is the gift of God.
Go! Live out Ephesians 2:8 to the fullest sweet girl. I love you! Love Always, Mom